Former Army Staff Sergeant, George Nickel shares his story of how post-traumatic stress, alcohol abuse, and a mission to find his dog, led to an armed standoff with the Boise Police Department. The lethal force encounter would have ended very differently if not for the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training provided to law enforcement. In addition, Sgt. Nickel describes his role as the driving force behind starting the Veterans Court in Boise, Idaho, and establishing the Idaho Veterans Network.
Feng Shui and the Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Imagine waking up to, and coming home to, a space that consistently brings you joy! Tenaya Plowman Kolar guides us through the ups, downs and blocks of creating a joyful space. Her process combines the methods of Feng Shui, and the KonMari method to create a living space that is designed with intention to support, energize and inspire you rather than leaving you depleted, uninspired and overwhelmed.
She will teach you how to successfully declutter, organize your possessions with intention and create a space that reflects your highest aspirations.
For additional information on her 5 day closet challenge and courses on online check out her site at
Get Sparked
Lisa Rueff, founder of Sparked, Yoga Ventures and Global Buddha, asked the question, "What if a game could bring out the best in women, touch their hearts, fire up their dreams, draw them closer... and be addictively fun?" And after being stuck in a cabin for a long weekend playing the antithesis of that- Cards Against Humanity- she decided it was up to her to create the answer. And, so she did. She created Sparked - a game made for women, by women. It's inspirational, aspirational and full of heart and soul. Within minutes of playing Sparked, women are laughing, clapping, sharing intimate struggles and desires, and cheering each other on!
Play matters, and what we play matters just as much!
Ride the S Curve to Success and Exhilaration
Innovation expert, Whitney Johnson, discusses the psychology of disruption. How can you feel more confident when taking a risk, or embarking on a new career or activity? Johnson tells us what it takes to begin, to stick to it through the hard parts, and ride that wave all the way to its sweet spot and the exhilaration of success.
All humans crave and need challenge to move forward. We need to be learning and feel a sense of progress to be happy in our lives. When boredom and complacency set in at the top, we become stagnant and depressed. She explains that settling in at the top of a curve isn't always all its cracked up t be, so to maintain our happiness we need to disrupt ourselves again or jump to a new wave. Johnson guides us through the twists and turns of the S curve of disruption, teaching us what we can expect from it, and how to make the most of it.
Listen Now
Creating Good Prose and the Art of a Working Friendship
What makes a good story? And what elements must come together in perfect unison on the written page to make the eager reader sigh at the beauty of the passage? Well, Pulitzer Prize Winner, Tracy Kidder and acclaimed, editor Richard Todd have the answers - not only to the art of producing good prose, but to successful collaboration and maintaining a satisfying, life long relationship.
The Unparalleled Benefits of Play...
Ever wonder if there was an enjoyable way to diminish anxiety and depression, a non stressful solution to sustain intimacy, increase longevity, innovation and adaptability? Well this simple 4 letter word may just be the answer. Play fosters stress management, personal resiliency and is a successful method for relieving anxiety and depression. Join us in conversation with Dr. Stuart Brown, author of "Play: How it shapes the brain, opens the imagination and invigorates the soul."
What is Synesthesia?
In it's simplest form, synesthesia is a multi-dimensional sensory experience. Have you ever seen a color connected to a letter or word, or tasted a specific taste when you heard a sound? If so, you may be a synesthete. Join me and Dr. Veronica Gross as we explore the mysteries of cognition and the conscious and unconscious minds, empathy, and the relationships between individual and shared experience.
How to write a book in 30 days - Chris Baty tells us
Chris Baty is the "accidental" founder of NaNoWriMo and the author of "No Plot? No Problem!: A Low Stress, High Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days" and co-author of "Ready, Set, Novel." And if you've ever wondered if you have a novel in you, thought about what drives the creative process and what halts it in its tracks - Chris is here to tell you. So, Join us!
What is Skepticism and What does it Mean to be a Skeptic?
How is it that we determine what to believe? What is a discernible truth and how do science and faith fit into the mix? Is being a skeptic an optimistic or pessimistic approach? And wouldn't it be nice if everyone did a little more critical thinking for themselves?
First Day Back Podcast, Part II
During the second half of the interview with "First Day Back" podcast's Tally Abecassis, we continue to explore the big questions of balancing work and motherhood. We begin with our ongoing discussion of Sarah Manguso's article "The Great Shattering."